Thursday, July 23, 2009


The summer solstice was over a month ago...however last night at 12:30 a.m. I could still read my watch without added light....!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tom and June, looks like you are having fun and enjoying the retired life, and you deserve it! I enjoyed the pictures. I have heard much about the history of the Kennecott Mine from a freind, which their family owns a lot of land near there or adjacent too. They said the Union workers threatened to go on strike so the company shut it down the next day, left everything and never reopened. I have an ancestor that went to work there in the early 1900's which was from Oregon City. He was in his early 20's and he never was heard from again. His family members went up to the mine a couple of times to try to find him, but was not successful. Another mistery around the famous mine... Take care, and be safe! Gary...
