Friday, February 18, 2011

Yuma & Wickenburg...

Finally doing some exploring in the Yuma area, we came upon a date farm...lots of them here.
In our yard we have this beautiful, blooming, fragrant Texas Desert Laurel.....

We took off and spent almost a week back up in the Wickenburg area. We boon-docked for three days at Vulture Peak....seen here at sunset....

and sunrise....

The view from our trailer....

We took a walk up the road - notice all the saguaros....we miss them here in Yuma!

Vulture Peak with an Ocotillo and Cholla in the foreground. Watch out for stickers!

Tom and Casper enjoying docking in the boons....

When we returned to Yuma, we were over-run with local lemon pickers....aka Carl, Kay, Donna, John etc....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

June's daughter Bethanie and husband Ryan are going to spend New Year's weekend with us. Here's June busy getting ready for them....

Happy New Year. After toasting the new year at 9 P.M. there was a rousing game of Apples to Apples....
New Year's Day was spent running around the nearby desert on quads. Bethanie was June's chaufeur in a Rhino.

Here's Tom.....holding still just long enough for a photo!

After our ride, we visited the Yuma Territorial Prison. Here are Bethanie and Ryan near one of the cells.

Bad News: Someone recognized Tom, and asked him to pose for a mug shot... thing we know, he has a cell of his own......

oh well, we were afraid they'd catch up with him sooner or later....