Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sewards Follies....arh arh

Yesterday we left Fairbanks which was in a world of smoke....Many fires are burning up to 40,000 acres each, and they just let it burn with no one watching them,, maybe a few that are threatening homes.....So much smoke....We are now on the Kenai Pennisula in Seward on the coast....the smoke is now just haze...We spent the night in Wasilla and Sara left town so she didnt get to see Casper the new breed of husky. We went through Anchorage and its just a normal town with freeways, tailgaters and box stores. Its good that Alaska has Anchorage as it keeps the rest of Alaska, Alaska.........And Alaska needs Anchorage to do this... They say Alaska is just 10 minutes from Anchorage. The trip to Kenai to Seward is top notch...There is no way to take pics of it or talk about it...Major, major mountains and lakes and rivers. A person would think you would get tired of mountains, but it just like womens breasts, if you have seen one, you want to see them all. Seward we got to see just a little bit, we are camped here for 2 nights and will be exploring the town to the max.....We are also going to see a glacier up close...We saw many today from afar.....They have a old town Seward too...Am thinking about the fishing aspect, but the town is plumb full of people as the salmon are running etc. I dont want to be on a boat that has a bunch of people,,, did it once, thats it....So there is a bunch of things I want to see, which I probably wont again...I will fish again, and I have fished plenty before, its a priority thing to see this stuff....June is a great guide, although she has some Texan in her when she talks about Alaska....But I cant help but love that lady, Im a lucky boy.....

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