Here are some of our photos as far as going
thru Canada. Haven't downloaded the Alaskan ones yet. The first 2 are out of order...descriptions shall follow the pictures.....

Here's June at the Mile 0 Signpost in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...

One of the many raging rivers in BC....

Ah - finally - back to the we are crossing the border into Canada.

along the route....

This is the sign at a gas station in
Chetwyn BC....the chain-saw-carving capital of Canada. Note that the floats are fish and the plane is an eagle...

So, here's Tom at the beginning of the highway. We really were together at this point, just the pictures got mixed up. Really.

A long and winding road.....

some scenery....

Four stone sheep....had to hunt high and low for these guys...
sherpa guide and all.... ;-)

motor home down the road, you can get an idea of the immenseness of these "hills"...

a moose....a Little moose!

Muncho Lake BC


The lodge at Muncho Lake where we stayed in a cabin and had weiner schnitzel for dinner.

A close-up of a buffalo!!!

At Liard Hot Springs, the boardwalk

a bear walk....

another bear walk.....

The Sign Forest at Watson Lake Yukon Territory

we saw the signs.....

Rainy, but still beautiful....upper Yukon Territory

Kluane Lake

This shows a stretch of perma-frost trees with a 'normal' non-perma-frost patch in the middle

A welcome sign as we enter Alaska! Stay tuned...more pictures to follow, following the midnight sun events this weekend.
Great pics! the scenery looks amazing! Do you have any video of it? :)